Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mother Nature...How do you like her now?

Well, as most of you have heard we folks here in Wisconsin got dumped on pretty well last night and today.  We ended up getting about 15 inches of very wet heavy snow.  Anyone who lives in a climate with winters knows that wet heavy snow means power outages.  There were several thousand of people without power today.  Lucky for us, we were not one of them. Along with the heavy snow and blowing winds, we also had snow thunder and lightning last night.   The question comes to mind, "you enjoyed Novemeber?"  Well here you go, how do you like it now?

This picture was taken from the same place I took last weeks shot. A tad bit different I'd say.

This is our clothsline that I was just using two weeks ago.
The fence around the garden.  The garden which it seems we just dug carrots from.

And at last, the lonely gazebo that not so long ago enjoyed  laughter and dinners under its roof.

1 comment:

Judy said...

But it is beautiful! In March I will feel different but right before Christmas, I am loving it...of course we only got 6 inches!